simple, fast & Easy

Fingerprinting Services in Scottsdale, AZ

We use the best fingerprinting technology to take your prints so you can submit them for anything you need them for. Our Livescan computer and specially trained technicians will reduce the likelihood of your prints being rejected for "quality" reasons. Our process is fast, simple and easy.

    Walk-ins accepted or

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    what makes us different

    Live Scan Technology

    Scottsdale Fingerprinting Services uses live scan technology to capture fingerprints quickly and accurately. Live Scan systems digitally record the fingerprints from a scanner and then print them out on the applicants fingerprint card. This process is replacing the old ink process still used by many fingerprinting companies. We use an FBI approved live scan system that is certified to the highest of standards. Using live scan has many benefits from the old ink style printing which includes quicker scanning time & capturing more accurate fingerprints which reduces the likelihood of a rejection of the applicants fingerprint card by the state due to bad prints.

    Get Started

    We charge $40 for one set of prints and $10 for each additional per person for livescan prints. Wet ink prints are $60 per set

    Secure Information

    We use the best fingerprinting technology to take your prints for anything you need them for.

    Convenient Location

    We are located at 9393 N 90th St #121 Scottsdale AZ 85258 (Inside the Spy Shop)

    Extremely Fast

    Usually less than 10 minutes. No appointment necessary, walk in anytime during our business hours.


    What to Expect

    We have the standard FBI FD-258 blue and white fingerprint card at our location but

    we can take your prints on any card or form.

    Finger Print

    Our Fingerprinting Fees

    We charge $40 for one set of prints and $10 for each additional per person for livescan prints. Wet ink prints are $60 per set

    Get Started
    Finger Print

    Our Hours

    We are here Mon-Fri 8am to 5pm.

    Scottsdale Fingerprinting is located on 90th St. just north of Via Linda in the Ajo Al’s Strip mall inside the Spy Shop. We are directly across the street from Wendy’s

    Get Started
    Finger Print

    Time It Takes

    Usually less than 10 minutes. No appointment necessary, walk in anytime during our business hours.

    Get Started
    Finger Print

    What You Bring

    Please bring a valid government issued photo ID. A driver’s license or passport will work just fine. Depending on what you are doing your fingerprints for, you may need multiple forms of ID. Check with the agency you are doing prints for to find out if you need multiple forms of ID

    Get Started
    Finger Print

    Refund Policy

    Scottsdale Fingerprinting is a service and not a product.  The service begins once the 1st print has been captured and ends with your captured prints on a physical card.  Scottsdale Fingerprinting will not issue a refund if the customer does not need the fingerprints, if the customer submits their fingerprints incorrectly or if the receiving agency does not accept a physical paper copy of your fingerprints.  The full scope of our service is to provide you with the highest possible quality captured fingerprints.  As a courtesy, we may guide you on how to submit your fingerprints based on our experience.  However, processes change, and information released by agencies requesting prints are vague and can be misleading.  Therefore, we cannot guarantee information on how your prints are submitted is correct at the time you submit your prints.  Ultimately, it is the customer’s responsibility to research and execute the procedure necessary for their process.   While we are committed to providing the highest quality of captured fingerprints.  Some customers have illegible or “poor quality” fingerprints.  If your prints are rejected for “quality” reasons, Scottsdale Fingerprinting will re-capture your fingerprints at no charge.  We will not issue a refund if you get your fingerprints captured or recaptured at a location other than Scottsdale Fingerprinting.  If your prints are rejected for quality reasons twice and they were done by Scottsdale Fingerprinting, you will be eligible for a refund with a rejection letter from the agency you submitted your fingerprints to.


    What Types Of Fingerprinting We Do

    We provide digital fingerprinting, that can be printed and use for any reason you may need them. See below more information of the services that require fingerprinting.


    What Clients Say About Us

    See what some of our previous customers have to say about our fingerprinting services!

    I was going to go to Arizona fingerprinting but found out they were way more expensive. This was a hole in the wall kind of shop but the staff was professional and quick and efficient. He answered our questions and got everything done in a timely manner. The digital fingerprinting only costs $35 a piece.

    Gabriella Mills Fingerprinting

    Scottsdale Fingerprinting Services was great! They were very friendly and the process was a lot quicker and cheaper than I thought it would be!

    John K. Fingerprinting

    I was going to go to Arizona fingerprinting but found out they were way more expensive. This was a hole in the wall kind of shop but the staff was professional and quick and efficient. He answered our questions and got everything done in a timely manner. The digital fingerprinting only costs $35 a piece.

    Gabriella Mills Fingerprinting
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    Contact Us

    Fill out the form below with any questions you might have about our fingerprinting services.

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